Chateauneuf du pape

I did a very comfortable fifteen and a half miles, this morning. Which is not to say that I wasn't feeling it a bit towards the end but it's funny how doing the longer distances makes anything even a bit shorter feel psychologically easier. 

The Minx was due to collect me from the canal at Fredericks and I spent the last couple of miles from Addlington pacing a guy who was maybe a hundred and fifty hundred yards ahead of me. But at the last bridge before Fredericks I was delighted to see the Minx, in her running gear, coming the other way to meet me. 

And this evening, Dom came over for a barbecue, generously bringing along this very enjoyable bottle of wine. This last few weeks of sunshine have been amazing and evenings like this are all the better for being able to sit outside chatting as the sun goes down and the air gradually cools.

-12.2 kgs
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Reading: I haven't chosen another book yet!

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