Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A cold shower

Gosh, it feels like we live on the continent somewhere - these endless sunny mornings. Archie has realised that it is just TOO hot for him in the front garden in the mornings, though he loves sitting there on my knee, muttering to himself about the people passing the gate.

When he retired inside, I was able to use the brush and fiddle about unhindered. I repotted a rosemary bush, or, to be more precise, attacked the bottom of a big plastic pot with my axe in order to make a hole so that I could use it. Washing was hung out and dried within minutes - such a pleasure.

I went for a shower. Cold water. Waited a bit longer. Nope. Still cold. The boiler has taken to flashing the hot water light, and the reset button has no effect, you just have to wait. This is another of the little quirks it is developing. Well, it's sealed its fate. A new one is needed.

Though Archie was inside, he was watching me from his favourite vantage point at the window. Elizabeth was about to arrive, but I didn’t tell him then lest he leap right out of the window to meet her at the gate. They went off to the Hermitage, where he had a paddle in the river to keep cool.

JR went into town to check out lights and other stuff, but mainly to have her free cake and coffee at JL. She's not keen on sport, which left me to watch the football and the tennis, with a (small) tub of ice cream. Actually, England played really well. They've just been scraping through so far.

Kyle's game still going...

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