
By AnnieBScotland

a fine day...

for our short remembrance service at New Lanark. There are 29 names on the village memorial. The memorial gardens have been refrubished this year, as the retaining wall holding up the slope had to be completely rebuilt. The new plants still have to establish themselves but we did have a wonderful display of poppies all summer, I wish I had photographed them, but foolishly thought I would wait until today, when of course there are just a few bedraggled specimens left. next year we are going to plant some white poppies among the red - for peace. I didn't even know about white poppies till a friend turned up wearing one - and sent me this link to the peace pledge union website - worth a look

before I left I set up the ironing board, determined to get it done. if Lazooligirl can do it... and in the end it took less than an hour to do it all and put it away!!!

this afternoon I have the joy of trying to a) get the radio in the new car to work (more RTFBing) and b) get the three of four office printers that are not functioning properly to work (even MORE RTFBing)

I heard a new acronym today. instead of 'a senior moment' you can have a craft moment. 'can't remember a f**lippin thing'. you will seem as mad as a hatter if you are chatting to someone, over a cuppa, and suddenly say 'I'm having a craft moment', with no sticky back plastic or knitting needles in sight. so I think I'll stick to senior moment.

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