Day 7 - The Only Way Is Up

We got the bus up to the town this morning.
The distance isn't the problem - it is the altitude change and the fact there are no pavements on the roads. The main square over 200m up and as you can see from the main Blip the footpath is a nightmare and in full sun.
However, when SWMBO went to get the bus tickets she met two Australian girls who had bought tickets for the bus and then decided to use the Hop On one instead and they sold her their tickets for half price. What nice girls.

We had gone into town to get a couple of small gifts - which we managed to get - and also get a couple of things for ourselves. We would have loved to have been able to get some more ceramics from a very talented woman, but getting them home in one piece was just not worth the risk unfortunately.

The slight breeze meant that the air was a bit clearer so seeing Etna was a bit easier. It didn't make it any cooler though. Lots of ice cold water and drinks were partaken of and back at the hotel I spent a couple of hours in the pool. It was surprisingly quiet there with almost no kids. The lull before the storm maybe?

The 'amuse busch' with diner tonight was pineapple 'juiced' with coriander and a crayfish in the bottom of the glass. Not something I would have thought to put together but it was very tasty. Neither of us was wanting a starter but both wanted the same main course. The Maitre de could not understand that 'No - we did not want one plate split between us - we each wanted a full plate of the same thing.
How we all laughed when the penny finally dropped!

Now waiting for security trying to find out who fired the gun.
It was actually me opening the bottle of fizz on the balcony.

WOW! what a bang it went off with which echoed off the cliff opposite ….. and not a drop spilt.

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