The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

All Ticked Off

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today I went into pre-holiday mode.

Before I go on holiday, I like to make sure that the beds are changed, the washing is all done, the house is clean and the garden is weeded. This means that I can go on holiday without feeling like I have lots of chores waiting for me when I come home.

Unfortunately, this normally leads to me having a mini breakdown the day before we go away because I try to do too many things and then decide that I am the ONLY one who EVER does anything round here.

This has a tendency to drive The Prince crazy. In the past he foolishly questioned whether this frenzy was necessary. He has occasionally uttered the words ‘Just leave it’ or ‘That doesn’t need done’ before observing my bared teeth and deciding that it was best to back away. Slowly. He has also stopped telling me that packing is ‘easy’ and ‘takes no time’. This may be because I pointed out that packing must be a f’in doddle when you only have to lay out your own clothes on a bed and they magically end up in a suitcase* along with your toiletries, right next to the other suitcase which magically appeared with all of the Mini Princesses’ holiday gear. I think it’s safe to say that I am not really in the ‘holiday spirit’ in the run up to going away.

This time, I have had the whole week off before going away so I haven’t turned into a compete zoomer. Everything is done. Even the suitcases are packed so I can actually relax tomorrow and look forward to my holiday. This has NEVER happened before. I like it!


*Except that ugly shirt. That must have fallen off the bed!

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