All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

On reflection

We had such a hard time getting Ethan to sleep last night. His neck is clearly causing him so much pain he couldn't even lie down and no amount of coaxing could persuade him to lie in any position other than with his face flat on the pillow, which we weren't happy about. I think it was about 10pm before he finally fell asleep .. in our bed. So hubbie slept with him and I slept in his bed.

I was allowed to wfh today because I was really worried about him and wasn't sure if I'd need to take him to the doctors again today. In the end, Granny took him to see the GP to get his neck checked again. Typically, Ethan was good as gold and did everything the GP asked him to (unlike with the doctor last night)!

I've given up trying to get him to sleep in his own bed for the time being and tonight, he's fast asleep in the spare bedroom again. His neck clearly still sore but I managed to get him to settle a bit earlier than last night thank goodness. I think he liked having Obi for company on the bed.

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