All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cinderella and the Ugly Sisters

Ethan still wasn't 100% this morning but he did at least sleep all night last night (albeit in the spare bed with me). We gave him the choice of whether or not he wanted to go to gymnastics with Eden this morning or stay at home, but he chose to go. He didn't really join in much once there though which was a shame.

After both the kids had managed a good morning nap, and Foreveryoung had arrived home from work, we took them down to The Centre for their Christmas launch. Ethan suddenly perked up and had lots of shots on the roundabout, the spinning teacups and his favourite .... the soft play double decker bus! He also decorated some reindeer ears but we managed to avoid the facepainting and balloon queues as they were ridiculously long.

Three of the actors from the panto which will be on at our local theatre were wandering around and agreed to pose for a photo. They asked Ethan if he wanted to stand beside them but got a resounding NO as an answer!

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