A Bird In The Hand?

I was watering the allotment this morning when I heard and saw a bird in my fruit-cage. I threw my watering cans  to the ground and  lifted the net as I swore at the damn thing devouring my blueberries and gooseberries! However just as I was crawling under the net I realised it was caught in the net the other side. Cursing led to concern and I backed out and ran round to the other side. The poor young thrush had forced it's way through the net but had caught the end of one  wing and was hanging down and flapping the other. I grabbed it and called out to fellow allotmenter for some scissors. He didn't have any so I directed him to my bag. Wouldn't you know it they were not in there. I thought maybe they were in the shed so off he rushed to look. Not there either so he used my garden knife instead. Once freed from the net I held onto it as bits of the net were wrapped tightly round the ends of it's feathers  which  were bent and badly damaged, it must have spun round in it's attempts to free itself.  I managed to unwrap them  with one hand and then let it go - silly bugger went back into the cage! So round the other side I went, ducked under the net and managed to catch it, which is when I decided to take it's  photo! I gave it some water and then released it. It scampered under  the potato foliage. After mending the two holes in the net, the one it had got in by and the one made freeing it, I finishing the watering. Before  leaving as the heat was getting to me I checked on it - still there. I decided to leave it in the hope it would recover and fly off. Come the evening I headed back to do the hens and took some scissors to trim the bent feathers if it was still there - but it was nowhere to be seen - so I hope it is ok, wish I had taken it home with me to trim it's bent feather tips when I had it in my hand. 

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