Busy as a bee

An early sunny start to the day that clouded over quickly. I went to the Puffin
Pool with Anne and enjoyed being back in the water. Was hoping to go to the bank after, website said it opened at 9.15 but when I got there it did not open until 9.30 am so gave up.
Tried to get up the hill but a lorry was stuck half way up blocking the whole road , luckily there was enough space to walk round it.
The sun came out so I sat in the garden and took some photos of the bees that were very busy :)
I had the Doctors in the afternoon.My blood pressure is on the high side so need to make some lifestyle changes to see if I can lower it.I do not really want to go on more medication yet.
Watched a very long , enjoyable game of men’s tennis in the afternoon/ evening :)

Sad to hear that Clive King , Author of Stig of the dump died a few days ago. One of my favourite books especially as I lived behind a chalk pit when I was growing up and had many adventures down there. In fact the illustrator , Edward Ardizzone lived in a Rodmersham just up the hill from our house and used the Chalkpit in his pictures seen in the book .

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