As I was taking photos of a squirrel that was up in a palm tree, suddenly the squirrel gave me a "what the?" look and seem to be staring down at my feet. It was no wonder, as this gal was quietly waiting, less than a foot away, for me to get done and go get some kibble for her. I'm glad the squirrel said something, or I think I might have stepped on her. I can't explain her body language, but she was making it clear that she felt I was very trustworthy, and that she also had perfect confidence that I was well trained enough to go in and gather up some treats.

She is so gentle and totally non-threatening. I'm pretty sure she's been around at least for a year. Her young ones avoid me, but not this one. If I call to her, when I see her, she runs to me like a happy puppy. Not that I would pet her like a puppy.

The only problem I have with her is that when I am outside talking to the neighbors, she sometimes peeks out of a bush or something. Some like her and others - not so much.

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