The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Breakfast Of Champions

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Breakfast is included with our booking. I swear than The Prince’s face lights up in awe every time he stands and peruses a breakfast buffet. It’s like Christmas morning but the presents are bacon, sausages, eggs and hash browns!

The Eldest Mini Princess was still exhausted so she went back to bed after breakfast. The Mini Princesses feel slightly put out as breakfast is ONLY served until 10 am and ‘What if you want a lie in?’!

We spent the day acclimatising. Our one burst of activity was swimming lengths in the separate training pool before spending the rest of the day doing not very much.

Despite applying loads of factor tw@tting 30, one hour later, the backs of my knees were completely sunburnt. I suspect that will be the only part of me that will be tanned when I return. Project ‘Bronzed Goddess’ is not going well!

We went out for a lovely dinner. Our friends all arrive tomorrow so it felt lovely just having the night for the four of us.


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