The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

And Then There Were Fourteen

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

This morning we went for a drive up the coast to Cala San Vicente and found a gorgeous cove to swim in. I absolutely love swimming in the sea. Not in Scotland obviously when hypothermia looms even in the height of summer but in the warm Mediterranean. We stayed in the sea for ages and then sat having coffee and ice cream in a bar overlooking the beach. This was perfect for me as it avoided sitting on the beach and having to deal with the horror of sand and sun tan lotion.

Most of the gang arrived today at lunchtime. We stayed in the pool for the afternoon as there was a temperature spike of 35 degrees which makes exploring too difficult. I have learned from previous experience that we do not function well as a family if we stray too far from water in this heat. We are a bit like elephants hanging out at a watering hole*. The new arrivals were pretty tired so we stayed in the hotel for dinner and sat having drinks outside to avoid very small people going into meltdown.

One last couple, Rab and Flash were due to arrive in at about 11 pm. Rab sent a message late afternoon to say that he was coming alone. Flash has a fairly serious flying phobia and couldn’t face the plane journey. His flight was then delayed a couple of hours. We all headed off to bed except The Prince who considerately took one for the team and waited up to welcome him. He even put himself through the hardship of having a few beers with him when he arrived!


*not a euphemism for a bar

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