
We went up to the station to get the train into town this morning.
The train was cancelled -- to allow maintenance work to be completed.
Not sure how the empty train that shot through the station 5 minutes before ours was due managed to get past but ours couldn't. They are also months behind in completing the upgrade to our station, despite it being the best winter/spring/summer for years for building work.

So we headed to the other station.

The reason for our trip was to go and see the Rembrandt  exhibition.
It was very good but boy was my back sore by the time we had finished.
So we went for a chocolate drink at Hotel Chocolat and bought a load of very high class chocolate before going for a seat in Princes Street Gardens for a while, soaking up some sun and people watching. We then walked round the gardens (and watched one of the robotic grass cutting that are on trial there run into a sunworshiper snoozing on the grass …. a bit of a system fail there).
On our dawdle we stopped at the statue of Woyzeck the bear (in the year it has been there people have already rubbed his nose, ears and back to a shine) and had a look at the refurbished Ross Fountain.
I also took a couple of pictures of what is probably the most photographed house in Edinburgh (which is where an ex-colleague of mine  used to live when his father was the Head Gardener for the Council)

We had a look at the floral clock and wandered up the Mound and throughLady Stairs Close before making our way down to the hotel in the High Street for a very nice afternoon tea (which SWMBO had managed to get a deal on).
It was then back to the station and home.

During the evening I got a call from Bags ….. could I come and help her - 2 of her radiators (which have been in for a couple of months) had suddenly started leaking.
No idea why that should be and Despite all our efforts, there is no change in the situation.
The earliest she can get a plumber to call in Saturday. They go on holiday on Wednesday, so guess who is going to have the job of emptying the bowls of water that may accumulate and then sit in waiting on the plumber.
As I got home the sky was turning a nice colour so I grabbed the camera and took a few shots before it all died - in the space of just a couple of minutes.

Other pictures of the day are available from here.

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