I Got A Postcard

Butterfly made the card, drew it, wrote the message on the other side, put it in an envelope, sealed it and put the house number it was sent from on the back ……….….. all by herself and without telling Mummy.
She also did one for SWMBO (which Mummy saw) and then when out in the car spotted a postbox, and had the car stopped, got out and posted the cards (Mummy had put addresses and stamps on) all by herself.
Not bad for somebody who isn't yet 5.

When walking PD this morning I decided to do a wee project on 'Signage & Typography In The Urban Environment' (how is that for an arty farty title) when I realised that virtually every lamppost in the area has a sign on it about dog fouling (many have two).
The reason for this project is because of the way the council are failing to  keep a lot of sign clear, clean and readable.
But I can't blame the council for This One. Scotrail built a lift hard up against it and didn't bother to move the sign (which is actually the most important and informative one) to one of the posts on the other side of the path (of which there are several). They did however, turn the one below through 90 degrees so it makes absolutely no sense at all.

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