
When I went out with PD this morning I took the infrared camera with the fisheye lens for a bit of a laugh.
I started with some of the local trees - not all of them are straight.
Speed is one of the is one of the subjects for the camera club scavenger hunt - so I had a go at giving that impression.

After walking PD I went and let the girls out.
1 egg ……. they are not holding up their end of the deal.
Before leaving I took some shots of her colourful thistles and the Rememberance Benches across the road.

PD had a while playing with pocket rocket that is The Stalker's dog (a friend and neighbour of Bags) ….. a small  lab/spaniel cross that has boundless energy. That wore him out so it was only a half walk and he was pleased to get back and sleep.

Later in the day I went back and put the girls away for the night.

We went and wished the monsters bon voyage and gave them the few Euros we had left as spending money.

I also made a couple of spinning tops for the kids across the road which they will get tomorrow.

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