
By AnnieBScotland

in full flow...

daughter #1 Katie working from home, ie my home! She works in HR for Barclays Bank in London, but is in Scotland all week for a couple of reasons. So it was a funny day. When I went out to Zumba at 9 she was setting up a conference call with 5 other people, which still seemed to be going on when I got back, or maybe it was another one. she seems to have spent the whole day on the phone!!

made a pot of soup for lunch and mooched about trying to be quiet - did a bit of sorting out of holiday pics. Out again, home at 3 and Katie is still on the phone, using headphones luckily so I only hear her conversation!! more quiet mooching, thank goodness Iain and his mobility trainer, Alex, arrived unexpectedly for a cup of tea. twice up to the railway station - the car has passed 10,000 miles now - with Alex and then Katie, as she finally stopped work and has gone to Glasgow to meet lots of friends, stay the night and work at a friend's flat tomorrow - she has a hospital appointment in town.

you quickly forget what having children - of any age - in the house is like! didn't even think about a blip until it was nearly dark outside, and quickly took this of Katie using the dining room as her office. She didn't even realise I had the camera in my hand, she was so engrossed in her conversation.

an early night with a cold compress I think!!

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