A Red Rose...
A red rose to all of those who stopped by and read the Community Blp. There will never be enough thank you's for the kindness this community has shown to me.
In the extra is what I was going to blip today - A Rock'n Robin Picnic. The Robins of Albany Oregon know me well by now taking so many pictures of them, so as you see the one on the lower right was asking "haven't you had that camera long enough to get it right the first time?" It was patient to stand there with "that look".. The Robin on the upper left was the one that invited me to join them. As you can see he brought a few tasty worms to share. He told me moths on a bed of grass to start with, bbq'd nightcrawlers or earthworms with a side of spider legs for the main course and wild blackberries for dessert, all washed down with a cup of dew...
Unfortunately I had a customer waiting for me down the road a bit, so I politely declined the breakfast feast and headed on my way.. I hope they had a rock'n great time..
Probably sleep in the truck tomorrow with multiple hand unloads.. Sorry for the lousy quality of pictures, early in the morning with the lens I had and... A picture that reminds is always a lovely picture
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