and through the wire...

By hesscat

Taking It Easy

Looking at my step count since arriving in Hawaii it has at least halved, these past few days, it is a third of what we were doing in Japan. In addition to us now having a car, things are generally slower here. We decided to not use the car today and chill out a bit more.

I've been thinking about my photos on Maui, which look very overcast... which in the main it has been, but temperatures have been on the comfortable side of hot even into the evening -  and for me that means perfect.

We awoke this morning about 5.45am for the sunrise which we could see from our beds... extra #1 photo 1... then went back to sleep. When we did get up, we wandered down to Hana Bay for a paddle (photo 2) then up to the reception to catch the shuttle bus to Hamoa Beach. The Hawaiian driver told us his great grandfather was from Scotland and came out here on a steamship - Crichton.  Hamoa Beach looked great with the waves... it took a lot of effort to get past the breakers and into deeper see but every often the big ones came and drenched you. It was a fun experience, but you have to stay on your guard - photos 3-4. 

We then returned to base and chilled out on the veranda... we took turns at feet massage... well Mrs C did myself and Ms H, I did Mrs C as per the main blip. We had heard about a secret red sand beach and took a wander down to but had heard the path to it is very dangerous and a number of injuries and deaths have occurred, so we just had a nosey from above - extra #1 photo 5. Photo 6 is what I think is a coconut.

We all showered ahead of dinner in the hotel restaurant and were picked up in the golf buggy to take us there. Dinner was great, started with cocktails as per 2nd photo in main blip - Hana Mule and Mango Tini and poor Ms H had to have a coke... despite being old enough to drink back home, she can't here or Japan, poor lass, but she liked my Hana Mule!

As we are leaving here tomorrow, we used the free laundry services while relaxing in the jacuzzi until about 11.30pm... it was still warm outside!

We're going to miss this place... we've travelled over 10,000 miles for less than a week here, and we could spend weeks if not months here! Maybe next time...

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