The City Of My Birth

PD was away to watch the golf at Carnoustie today so apart from feeding Bags' cats and letting Chicken Lady's hens out we had a free day.
So - it was off to...…………. Perth -- city of fat birds and fishcarvings and quotes and that intreguing door past the till and counter. I can imagine there will be manly chat and questions like "Anything for the weekend Sir?". After all, it is a Gentleman's Barbers (with an apostrophe).
The Tay was a bit low and the flood gates were definitely not required, although judging by some of the flood heights marked on the bridge (which has been there since 1771) the gates could do with being slightly higher ….. just in case.

We went to Stewart Tower Dairy for lunch - excellent home made, made to order food - and as for the ice-cream ………………………
WHILE SWMBO was buying some of the ice-cream to take home (they pack it in insulated boxes) I went to take some pictures of the calves, the pygmy goats and the shy duck.

On the drive back there was a lunatic and his girlfriend in a BMW doing their best to hack off/terrify other drivers by tailgating, undertaking and generally driving dangerously.
He certainly wasn't happy when I didn't brake and get out of his way but carried on at 70mph in the outside lane and overtook the lorry. 
After having passed me he slowed down behind the next lorry...…..right behind the lorry. As the car behind me passed I indicated and moved into the outside lane. As the car that had just passed me passed the BMW and got alongside the lorry, the dickhead in the BMW dropped a gear or two (judging by the plume of exhaust) and tried to pull out. He certainly didn't expect me to carry on overtaking at the same speed -- with my hand on the horn. There was no room for him to pull out and I think that he probably soiled himself as he realised that point and slammed on the brakes and pulled back in behind the lorry. I took it by the fingers coming out of the passenger window from both of them when he did pass that they weren't best pleased. Tough! …. I don't intimidate that easily!

Other things done today ………. weeding and clearing up in the garden (enough to fill the wheelie bin for the garden refuse collection). topped up the pond again. Watered the front garden plants and pots. Cats out (and in). Hens out (and in) …. only 1 egg today (unless they have hidden others in the garden), box and spinning tops made (I have about 3 dozen now and the jar they are in is about half full - so I still have a few more to make).

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