We've hired a car for the next 2 days so have a bit of freedom to explore Brac.

This morning we drove up to the highest point in the Island for some amazing views. Tobes was suffering a bit with some insect bites he's reacted to but we managed to distract him counting huge spiders that made massive webs right across the road.

This afternoon we went to the only sandy beach on the Island. It was a beautiful setting with crystal clear water (nice not having to hobble over the stones to go for a swim) and the mountains of the mainland on the horizon. It was crowded when we arrived but we stayed till about 7pm and was lovely later on. Toby went snorkeling with Mike now he has his new found confidence in the water. He loved it. Eva spent hours in the water just splashing and running about chattering to herself playing her own little games. They were so happy. It was great.

Had pizza back in Bol after showers at a nice restaurant overlooking the harbour. We didn't get out to 9pm by which time we were all starving. Late night. All very sleepy.

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