Hendstock 7

Photo credit Sam Prior

There's so much I could write about last night (it's now Sunday afternoon) but I don't think I could ever convey the complete awesomeness of it. I'll resort to a few bullet pointed hi-lights instead.
The amazing weather meant that we were warm all evening and everybody sat out on the grass without feeling cold
A fantastic turnout ( we think around 400 people came) who helped  raise around £2500 for Meningitis Now
All the brilliant acts. We appreciate the hours of rehearsals and often huge amounts of bravery  which go into these performances. It's not easy getting up on stage in front of a huge crowd.
The 'Pop Tarts' not sure how we going to top that next year.
Poppy and Alfie playing with The Accelerants; proudest moment of my life.
Someone paying £32.50 for the last steakburger in an impromptu auction
A surprise rendition of Thank You for the Music by the Dingdong Bells for me and D which make me cry
Brilliant acoustic, singsong round the fire until 2 AM

I've got no voice today which is always the sign of a good night!

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