Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Enjoying the Great Outdoors!

We started our morning off by going up to Danby VT for a private trail ride through the mountains on horseback. It was so much fun! My horse was named Shimmer and Mr. Badger's horse was named Tucker. It was Mr. Badger's first ride and he loved it :) He was excited to go again, and our plan was to go again the next day ... (now to just convince him to get me a horse for our house!)

We later headed over to the quarry in Dorset - which is owned privately but open to the public. Families were having a blast bravely plunging into the quarry for a swim. Unfortunately, Mr. Badger and I did not have swimsuits with us, be we had great fun climbing around and watching everyone jumping in. Next time! (I also need contacts ... no glasses would be terrifying!)

We ended the night getting dressed up and going to a 'fancy' (for us!) restaurant. Mr. Badger ordered a chocolate cake that had a brandy sauce over the top, which was set on fire as it was presented to us. Mr. Badger found out that he does not like brandy, so I got to finish most of it off ;)

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