What is this? - 10

Yesterday's wasn't a reflection, it was actually the interior of two empty plastic spray bottles one behind the other, upside down. I used purple cardboard paper and a desk lamp to create the purple effect!

Only two more to go, you'll be glad to hear if you're not enjoying this game! Haha!

As you can see, I've played a bit with the light and contrast in this image. What is this?

Today it was a bit busy for a Monday, but otherwise ok. The weather was crap though, it was grey, dull and wet. Not too cold though! I was feeling rather tired after my busy baking weekend (the cleaning afterwards was worse than the baking itself, I have to say!).

Nothing of any particular interest happened today, I'm afraid. I'm busy this evening, so I won't have much time for comments, but I'll try my best!

Thanks very much for all your guesses! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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