What is this? - 11

Only one to go..

Yesterday's was a cocktail strainer, as a couple of you hinted or guessed. It was a bit of a tough one. I hope this one's easier for you, although I'm trying to make it hard for you! :)

Good things happening today. Not many. We got to try these really nice chocolates we will be selling in the shop, that's about it! It was generally a quiet day at work. I find it really hard to finish at 7.30pm in the Winter, especially when the weather is crap, like today.

My mission today is to fix a broken drawer and to buy my tickets to go to Barcelona in January at a reasonable price. See if all this gets done!

Not much more to report. A rather dull day really...

Thanks very much for all your guesses! I love your imagination! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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