
By bananablip

Despair, joy

I think it started raining at about midnight last night and carried on for the rest of the night and into the day. There aren't many things more depressing than packing up camp in the driving rain after a cold night in a tent. None of us were really up for sticking around so we did as best we could to pack up and headed home, drenched to the skin, before 10am. So lovely to spend time with brilliant people, but would have been so much nicer in the sunshine.

Thankfully there was loads of time for a potter and a shower before heading out to our AGM this afternoon. They're usually good events but this year's was particularly special. It was nice for the whole team to be recognised, by a number of different people, for what we do and the way we do it.

And that's it! I've finished for a few weeks! Exhausted but delighted! Sleeeeeeep!!!

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