Me on the bus

This afternoon, we had a planned company outing to the pub. Since the pub is in Kendal and I won't be able to drive home, I had to go in by bus, which is something I haven't done for a while. 

I had a meeting at school first thing, which meant I wasn't catching the bus until just after eleven and also that when it arrived, it was not too full and I was able to take a seat up the back, although not until I'd confused the driver by asking if I could "pay by wireless".

It was a pleasant journey in, actually. The weather was lovely and I could enjoy the scenery to a greater degree than when driving. If it wasn't so expensive, I'd do it more often.

And the sunny weather meant that we could sit outside at the pub, too, making for a very pleasant afternoon.

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‘A History Of Seven Killings’ by Marlon James

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