Morecambe in July

To be fair, it's not only Morecambe that's suffering the lack of an English summer, albeit hot on the heels of the hottest day of the year, last week. Goddamn this global warming. 

After picking Dan up from work and enjoying a catch up all the way back to KL, I dropped him back at his mum's and then went down into town to meet my friend Chris for a drink. This is something I would always look forward to, anyway, but today I had my copy of 'Case Histories' by Kate Atkinson with me, the book I've been reading for the last couple of weeks.

I've really enjoyed it. The writing is excellent although it starts in such a disjointed way that after three or four chapters, I went back to check it wasn't a book of short stories. Gradually, the tales intertwine until the book resolves and each story moves on. My only problem was that I wondered if it was too contrived.

In search of an answer, I took the book down for Chris to read but it turns out he is already a fan of Atkinson's (and he confirmed my suspicion that she must draw the plot-lines out on paper before she starts writing). So, having taken that second opinion, I now reserve the book wholeheartedly!

-10.7 kgs
Reading: 'The Gallows Pole' by Benjamin Myers

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