Sad state of affairs....

....when you've been dreaming about cleaning mould off a wall. But there you have it.

Final day at the house, well final full day and seemed to spend most if it in a car chasing down the elusive 33" blind for the front windows. I can get any size up 40" but not 33"!

Silly jobs today like putting covers on old electrical points, trying to buy replacement blinds, and stuff like that. Tomorrow we start cleaning, still have a couple of spots if paint though (like two sides of a door) and touch up bits. But mostly it'll be cleaning.

Torn about the other place though with this mould. It came from a drip from a big air con unit that the tenant ignored, and then it grew mould on the wall. Great. But turns out it was just surface and came off fairly easy with undulated bleach. I not only wanted to clean it but kill it as well. Got tabs on new air con unit and so all this small studio apartment needs us clearing out and painting.'s gonna have to wait. Maybe. Maybe I'll do it at the weekend...

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