Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Farewell dear heart

One day you will a callous wind or a heartless will fall. Down upon the sleeping ground, to lay, for the smallest time as a carpet of gold, until fingers of decay clutch at you. I would love to see you drift down from your perch, spin and turn, flashing colour into the grey air...but it will happen unseen. Fall...fall into sleep, sleep for the winter months when your colour would be a welcome relief. As I stand and stare at the spectacle of your last moments of life, like watching a child falling asleep, peace and a rare gentleness, I smile..thinking of your years journey from gentle start to lush growth and now amber slumber.

The dull sky shows in sharp relief the flame of your end. Such beauty... transient.. fleeting... wondrous in its passing. As people pass by I want to stop them and say "Behold...a moment of natures perfection". Perhaps the men in white coats would soon be there to take me!

So here we go...late night working...I will visit you again tonight...see how you fare...perhaps catch that special moment....

See you in the morning if not.......

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