The Other One

No PD this morning - and SWMBO was feeling better (although she didn't join me immediately at the monster's)
The monsters were pretty well behaved so we took them out for ckae and juice at the new Larder in East Calder. The idea was to see The Cygnet's "girlfriend" - but it was her day off. Squirrel's eyes were nice and clear (apart from her hair getting in the way. The Cygnet was just running about daft.

How many abstract ways can you shoot an iron?
I did 10 starting Here.

Bags and the son-in-law are celebrating 10 years married today, so they are out for a meal and we have the monsters for a sleepover. They went down no problem - hopefully they will sleep late in the morning.... although The Cygnet asked what was for breakfast as he got into bed. Always thinking of his stomach that lad.

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