Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

London Day Four

39° in the car today when we returned to it from lunch. 31° outside in general. Phew! But thank goodness for air con, and sat nav!

We tootled off to try and find the perfect country pub for lunch. Found a pretty good one.

Looking at a map and saying,'Let's go there' proved to be easier said than done. It was crisscrossed with wee narrow forested roads, busy motorways, dual carriageways and very frequent immense scary roundabouts. The sat nav even predicts your arrival time to the minute!

We had the best fish and chips ever in The Dolphin. They do dog walks every month, where you meet at pub and have bacon butties before setting off on a walk, and return for lunch. What a great idea. Not much else in 'the village', just a church. We popped in to a couple of churches today - so cool!

We decided to go home via Bushy Park - it's a legend in blipland, with the most fantastic photos of deer and sunrises. And what a beautiful place it is too. Huge long drive lined with hundreds of big old chestnut trees. I knew they were chestnut trees because it's called 'Chestnut Avenue'.

We found the tea room, and a very welcome ice cream, then had a wander round. We chatted to a chap taking photos of the mandarin ducks, though the male is not in his courting plumage at the mo. But where were the deer? He told us to go to the other car park to find them. And we did! Dozens of 'em! Great. People were pulling down the willow branches for them to nibble on. And they didn’t mind being patted.

Gracie left a little dead mouse on the path for me to deal with this morning... thanks, G.

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