
We had a wonderful day!!! Seriously, a wonderful day. We arrived at Beningbrough Hall in time for opening. We were heading straight round to the play area while it was still dry. As we went, we passed the birds display. We didn’t know but it’s a Friday feature for August. Katie got to hold three owls and stroke some others. We had a fantastic time at the play area, including a lovely new barefoot walk they’ve installed. We picnicked in the shelter of the trees, which was fortunate as it started to pour down!

We made a run for it in a lull in the rain and found the Victorian laundry room. She dressed up and played away happily for ages. We only left because she wanted to see the flying display of the birds. And boy was it good! They had them flying to and from children, they had them race the children, they had them fly over the children while they were laid on the floor, through a tunnel of children and all sorts! It was amazing. I’m considering booking them for Katies birthday- she’s not had a party since she was six and has asked to have a Harry Potter party.

After the flying display we wandered into the house. We wanted to see the Making Their Mark exhibition that’s on loan from the national portrait gallery. Katie was delighted to find the Darcey Bussel portrait she wanted to see, liked the Jk Rowling one of course and loved the Margot Fonteyn one. She was desperate to go back to the laundry. We realised it was visible from the new coffee stop so sat with afternoon tea while she played!

After another rain storm had passed, we headed to explore more of the garden. We found a fantastic and completely quiet area to make a den. That was the end of the day for us but it really has been a day of lots of fabulousness. A tired, over sensitive little girl all day but with a huge amount of special in the day too!

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