What is this? - 12

Last of the series!

Yes, yesterday's was a dirty old broom. I can see the black and white didn't confuse you.. and what is this?

I had a bit of a numpty moment this morning. First of all, when the alarm clock went off, instead of pushing the snooze button, I accidentally pressed the stop one. Thank god I realised soon enough! So I rushed about more than usual this morning and, when I left the flat, I was literally running up the road. I stopped a second to check what time it was and what was my surprise when I realised I had left the flat about twenty minutes too early!!! I felt really silly. So my frenzied run turned into a gentle and relaxed stroll after that, haha!

Work was quiet today. I was reading this whisky magazine today, and in it I found an interesting useless fact. Usually, when casks lose their maturing properties they're recycled, usually to smoke salmon or for plant pots, but do you know what's the other use? They make guitars!!! How cool is that! There's a distillery in Ireland that used ex-oloroso sherry casks to make guitars! That would make a nice and sweet smelling guitar! :)

Anyway, not much more of interest happening. Taking it easy this evening because tomorrow, after work, I have to start icing the wedding cake, which you will see very soon!

Thanks very much for all your guesses! I hope you have enjoyed this theme! If you want to see all the entries click here

I hope you had a good day! :)

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