Adult time

Another busy day. I cooked for S and M arriving in the evening, and played Snakes and Ladders with Thomas.

We took him to Clip and Climb at Cramlington. What a great place in a fantastic leisure centre. He just wanted to climb up and down, and wouldn’t jump off with his harness. He said he didn5 like the feeling.

Mr C took him home, after dropping me at #3 daughters. We drove to see Ella and Nathaniel in Aladdin. They’d had a week at Chimney Sweep drama club so this was the show. Ella wasn’t too happy about being a “villager again”. (In the chorus, no speaking part). The bigger children had those parts. They had fun and had made lots of new friends, and their mum ha£ got most of the removal unpacking done.

Then we rushed home, arriving 15 minutes before S and M. We had White Ladies in the garden. S had brought a chilled cucumber soup, and I made a chicken, peppers, potatoes tomatoes and paprika dish. Here is S enjoying the Strawberry Lemon soufflé I made for pudding. This is the first time I have made it since #1 daughter was no longer able to swallow, as I used to always make it for her birthday. I hadn’t remembered what a faff it was. We enjoyed it. Bed 2 am.

Oh and my iPad has gone sick - grey streaky lines all over the screen so I can’t tell what the photo is like, nor can I read blips as the text is grey and the pixels are grey.

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