A touch of purple (Day 1187)

Surprisingly, my body clock didn't wake me at stupid o'clock this morning and we had a much needed lie in. Sadly, we woke to the sound of rain, and the morning woofer wander was a rather damp affair. 
Back at home, I did a bit of paperwork whilst my beautiful wife zoomed off to do the daily hoss check.
After lunch, and as the rain eased off, we took the woofers to Lyde for a wander. The flat grey sky was a bit uninspiring, but a huge patch of rosebay willowherb provided some much needed colour.
Later HV headed off to work and I spent a while doing a little bit of motorcycle maintenance in the garage. It is always good to have a bit of a tinker. Even better when there are no bits left over when it is all finished and the tools are put away.

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