An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Timing Right....

Focus pish!

I have wasted so much time on today's blip that I have achieved the sum total of diddly squat with everything else I had to do! divorce papers may be served on me in the next few days!

I took shot after shot after shot trying to get the focus right but nothing I did worked. This is the first time I've taken water shots using my tripod as I've always hand held the camera before. Logic tells me the focus should be better using the tripod but it just wasn't! Grrrrrr!!

Of course I then had to trawl through all 1400 yes you read that right! Fourteen bloody hundred! shots to find only 3 that I could consider blipping! They're not any better but at least there's something happening and they're not just shots of flat water like the vast majority of the others!! They can be seen HERE and HERE if you're desperate.

Actually when I say I've not achieved anything else today, that's not strictly true....I managed to arrange morning coffee with 2 friends for next Tuesday so my day hasn't been completely wasted. :))

Good grief look at's only 3.30pm and I need to go and put lights on! And peel potatoes and empty the dishwasher and put on a washing and do some ironing and send some emails.....all the things I was meant to do before blip fever took over!

Back later :))

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