Sea and sky

After breakfast we went with cousin Duncan to walk over the cliffs on the start of the Southern Upland Way, which is a long distance coast to coast path traversing the south of Scotland from Portpatrick in the west to Cockburnspath in the east. We met a runner putting out markers for an ultra-marathon of 212 miles. It certainly put our 6 mile stroll into perspective.

Duncan spotted a seal playing in one of the bays we overlooked, and a peregrine falcon soaring above at another. I couldn’t decide which should be the blip, so here they both are.

I provided us with smoked mackerel pate, bread rolls, cucumber and olives and we had a glass of wine. Duncan’s daughter and her 2 children arrived down from their house to his van as he was driving them to his house near Moffat. Next week they return to ex-pat life in Dubai. I asked Findlay whether he considered Scotland or Dubai to be his home. He said he didn’t think he had a real home.

We are now at Cairnryan waiting for our ferry to Belfast where we dock at 1.45 am. Mr C insisted we had to travel at silly o’clock as it was cheapest. Then I have to navigate us to a wild camp place in the Mountains of Mourne.

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