A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Stationery magpie

I have a thing about coloured pens. One of the best things about Christmas when I was a kid was getting a complete set of new felt tip pens, with 30, 40 or 50 pens, in colour sequence all neatly lined up next to each other. And I used to get mightily annoyed if anyone used them or got them out of sync!

As a grown up (loosely speaking) I find that I am still drawn to packets of coloured pens (and paper, and note paper, post it notes, etc) as a magpie is drawn to shiny things. I am a stationery magpie.

So I went to Asda tonight to get provisions for our evening meal and spent a ridiculous amount of money, as I came away with a nice bottle of chianti, a new jumper, a variety of cheeses (Brie, Stilton, Bavarian smoked and extra mature cheddar) and a box of crackers, and for some reason that still eludes me, a brand new packet of 20 fineliner pens, in a variety of colours....

Made a nice blip though.

Think I am going to go and buy a polarising filter and maybe a macro lens tomorrow - an early birthday present to myself. Whilst we're out, we'll get Corin's birthday present as well (our birthday's are 6 days apart ...mine is on Valentine's Day...this year takes me officially onto the downhill slope towards forty. How did that happen???? I still feel like I am 21)

The 'also rans' from this evening

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