The Squid of Despair

Chris - this one's for you!

See him floating in the inky sea
I think he's coming after me
See him swim from his murky lair
I think I'm about to get snogged by
"The Squid of Despair"

(Apologies to Red Dwarf fans!)

Being "snogged by the Squid of Despair" has become a frequently used phrase by one or two of us at work, to describe those situations where your soul feels like its being sucked out of you through boredom, disbelief and/or despair, depending upon the situation you find yourself in.

The Squid of Despair strikes in different ways. Often you know that its coming for you long in advance. Sometimes it just sneaks up on you. You know SOD's you know what SOD stands for.

Long staff know that feeling? That's a snog from the Squid of Despair.

Phone call, when you've just sat down for your tea, that begins with "I won't keep you a minute...".....pucker up, Squiddy's after a big wet kiss.

That sinking feeling and the thought that your brain was removed the night before, when that bloke/girl you have just woken up next to actually is not the supermodel you thought they were. Oh yes....the S.O.D just got you.

Knowing that you have a mountain of work to climb and its a glorious day outside...yep, you guessed it - the squid of despair is lurking right beside me, here in the office. The little SOD has been there, just on the edge of my vision all day...waiting...whilst I washed the car, cooked lunch, had pins poked in my back and face (yes - my face - but let me tell you, it's cleared my sinuses a treat!), been to the shops...he's always there. The SOD.

Well, the SOD won't get me. I am escaping with my loved ones to Risley Moss to get some daylight and take some other photos. But I know that it will be waiting patiently for my return ....

from stage left ...."sarah,'s time for your medication...."

PS - yes work avoidance did also take the form of drawing and painting the Squid of Despair!

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