The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Paying Penance

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

In went to see Physio Paul today. I started the session today by fessing up that I had been ‘a bit lax’ about my exercises since our last visit as I had got out of the habit on holiday.

He checked me over and gave me some new exercises. One of them was to stand on what looked like a dance mat and step forward and back as quickly as I could. This may sound easy but it requires coordination. Coordination is not something I have in abundance, and being watched, reduced it to virtually zero. At the end of an EXHAUSTING 20 seconds of what could only be described as flailing, he asked how I felt. ‘Like a tw@t’, I replied. Turned out he meant my hip!

For the next one, I had to step into a giant elastic band, semi squat and walk like a crab from side to side. I was beginning to wonder if Candid Camera had been resurrected.

I’m never going to skive my exercises again.


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