Devils Trumpet

I was up early expecting  to be picked up by the garage as my car was finished yesterday but as it was 5.25 agreed it was ok to get it back today. By 11 I rang them! Seems they have lots of staff on holiday so everything was a bit pushed! As I was leaving the garage I Got blocked by a car getting petrol - when the woman got out I realised I knew her so yelled out the window at her to get out of my way! We had a good long chat! She used to be one of my assistants and her dad also worked in the school, when she left to bring up her children I used to share lifts with him when either of our cars were out of action. They also used to have a plot on the allotment. I asked after her dad and was saddened to hear he had been off for 7 months - the head had been doing her usual nastiness. Fortunately he is went back eventually for 2 weeks then retired - but is still having issues, panic attacks being part of his problems. I learnt the head also ousted another long term member of staff - she has nearly wiped out all original staff, and in the most nasty way possible. I could feel the old bile rising in me when I thought of her and what she does to people.  I told her to get him back on the allotment and the panic attack apps that helped me. We agreed we must meet up properly soon! As I drove on the bile dispersed - I have accepted the past but when I hear she is still up to her old games it's hard not to have the past resurrect itself. 
I got the things I needed at Waitrose, and a few more besides. One thing being a vegetarian crispy duck with pancakes by Linda McCartney. It has to be one of my favourite dishes, so I thought it worth trying! I don't go for soya replicas of meat - I find them unappetising and why eat meat pretenders when there are so many tasty vegetarian dishes? But I decided to give the faux duck a go! Well I have to say it was very tasty! I missed the crisp duck skin but otherwise it was just as I remembered the real thing to be! 
I had a look through a box of my past dogs old things in the afternoon and was delighted to find his lead and 2 collars amongst some of the dog toys I saved, being sure I would get another dog sometime! I washed them and an old rope toy which he loved to play with. as I was hanging them out to dry I took this photo of the about to open Datura ( Devils Trumpet or Moonflower) Unlike the Angels trumpet of Brugmansias, the flowers stand erect! Rather apt given my mornings conversation! They are also supposed to be annuals but this one I bought last year and it's got huge! Trouble is it is totally poisonous so will have to placed somewhere the puppy Oscar can't get it! I also have 2 smaller ones bought at the same time as my wave sculpture  back in May ( which I still haven't blipped!) but have yet to discover if they are angels or devils! 

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