Loggerhead Turtle

Meandering along the quayside in Argostoli, I am sure that I was more surprised  than he or she was to see this turtle just beneath me also meandering along the shore-line.
8 am saw our last nautical duties, loosing off the two stern lines and watching the boat sail off without any anchor issues. We headed into Fiskardo to await the 8:30 am bus to Argistoli, Kefaliona's capital.
In what was to turn out to be a bit of a theme, the late arrival of the bus at least gave us the opportunity to book accomodation near the airport for the next two nights.
The bus ride was spectacular at times, giving one a good feel for the various sceneries of the island. We arrived in a steaming hot and not very prepossesing Argistoli after midday. A club sandwich with chips and we nearly missed our next bus to the accommodation.
Poor communication on our part meant we got off as top too late and neded up with a sweaty kilometre walking on a busy roadside uphill to our apartment,
On arrival however, some iced tea with the owner's mother and the light and cool room restored some equinimity. The luxury of a bed and a decent shower meant the next few hours were spent chilling in the apartment.
Hunger eventually drove us out to the nearest Taverna, bac k down  that hot and dusty kilometre. Tricia's diary describes the meal as "V. oily", a sentiment that I can only echo. I fear our Greek cuisine odyssey has reached its zenith in Fiskardo and is now in decline.

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