
We decided to be brave and trust the Greek bus system. In a journey that would take six different bus rides, we set off from the apartment at 9:45am looking forward to half an hour in Argostoli for breakfast.
When forty minutes later no bus had turned up, we were beginning to feel that trust might have been misplaced. Then of course, in the best of bus traditions, two turned up at the same time. The delay meant our half hour breakfast had been reduced to a zero minute transfer but at least we got it. 
At about 1pm we arrived in the pretty town of Assos on the NW coast of Kefalonia and this restaurant on the harbour side found our custom. Retsina can be seen on the table, as it should for any Greek meal. I am not quite sure why the girl behind was so keen on not having her photo taken - perhaps it was the heat which was as ever pretty intense.
The food was OK but still on a downwards trend from the giddy heights of a couple of days ago. Tricia ordered the fisherman's platter and ended up deciding she didn't want to be a fisherperson. My octopus was good, although having recently read the rsather good "Other Minds" about octopus intelligence, I now always feel a little guilty eating them. I do bravely fight through that guilt though......
The return buses worked pretty well and included a break for Tricia to buy some food for an evening meal in the apartment. This ended up following the downwards spiral observed over the last two days, even the retsina didn't taste as good as it ought.

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