The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Indoor BBQ

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The day started off pouring with rain and the sky was clack. Woo hoo! Perfect BBQ weather!

The BBQ was good fun. It was to celebrate Dodzilla’s 40th birthday and it comprised of my work/ex work buddies of Dodzilla (the host), Rod. The Bottomless Pit, me and our families. Thankfully, although it was never particularly hot or sunny, it dried up for the afternoon which meant that the 6 young children could burn off a bit of energy outside after terrorising Didzilla’s cats, Jet and Chico for a couple of hours. The poor beasts eventually took refuge behind sofas and wouldn’t come out again.

The Mini Princesses did really well. All of the other kids were 7 or younger so they were left with the option of hanging with the adults (let’s face it, we’re quite dull) or the children (mental). In the main, they chose the adults. Probably because the noise level was more bearable even if the chat was ropey.

At one point, The Bottomless Pit said to his son ‘Be Normal’. I suggested to The Eldest Mini Princess that I should have used that line on her.

‘Right back at you’ was her response.

That the respect I get! I’m so glad she isn’t normal!


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