The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Forecast Roulette

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was working today (instead of Tuesday). Schools went back on Wednesday and we are already shattered! I even had to think about a hard problem at work. On a Friday. Rude! I am not cut out for working. I am cut out for tea drinking and dog walking. It’s a much more pleasant way to spend the day.

I spent my evening making brownies and cheesecake to take to a BBQ tomorrow. In typical Scottish fashion, despite the lovely summer we have been having, the forecast is for p1ssing rain al day!

I think the weather is actually influenced by how many planned BBQs there are for that day. If it gets to a critical point where there is a danger of too many people standing outside in the sunshine having a lovely time, the law of sod kicks in and the heavens open. Then everyone stands outside in the rain pretending they are having a lovely time!


PS How cute does Murphy look in his bed?

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