The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Just Us At The Fringe

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Murphy was staying with Mary Doll and Victor last night. ‘Yaaaaay, long lie for me’ I thought. I will wake up slowly and not have to get up immediately for my poor starving pup.

AND I STILL WOKE UP AT 6.30 am. Aargh!

The Prince eventually realised that I was awake and restless. He mumbled something which sounded like ‘good morning’ to me so I assumed meant that he was eager to hear my dulcet tones. Turned out this wasn’t the case. His rubbish reason was ‘it’s only 7 o’clock’.

He closed his eyes but I was not to be deterred. I put my face about a centimetre away from his and made a little noise.

One of us thought that was very entertaining!

We took the Mini Princesses to see MARVELus, a fringe show where 2 guys (The Just Us League) act all the Marcel movies in one hour. It was very funny but may be the nerdiest thing I have ever been to in my life*. The Mini Princesses loved it but most of the jokes went over The Prince’s head as he hasn’t seen a lot of the films and isn’t hugely bothered about the problem that is Thanos!


*although the VIP night at the Star Trek exhibition in the 90’s where I almost peed my pants because I got to sit in the Captain’s chair is also a strong contender.

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