Lost An Earring?

PD was up to his tricks again this morning and acting the Diva as well.
He tried refusing to walk through a puddle across the path this morning.
This from the dog that throws himself in the river at every opportunity.
He also refused to do even half his normal morning walk.
Good knows what he is going to be like later in the year.
Come lunchtime he was quite happy to walk - after all, the sun was out and it was warm.

Mid afternoon saw me at the lathe making a couple of miniature birdhouses when I got a phone call from my brother-in law.
His mother had phoned to say there was a problem with the router in the house.
He was unable to come out to try and help and she seemed to be in a bit of a flap (she is 90 and almost blind, her husband is 92 and about as useful as a chocolate teapot when it comes to technology (I know that feeling).
So SWMBO and I nipped up (its only 6 miles) and found the router to be working fine (and a phone call to a friend with a lot more knowledge about Apple products than us) it was established that the tablet was goosed.

The only other shots I took today were the wet leaves and the rivulets of water running down the trees

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