Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Embarassment of Riches

When I go out to Blip, I never know that I will find. Some days, I struggle to find one shot that I like while on others I encounter many. To be honest, the situation is more frequently the former, but today is the latter. I took 30 minutes to shoot and came away with numerous keepers.

One of things that I most enjoy out of this experience is how it has helped me to refine my shooting eye. I now identify possible shots much more rapdily because I know what I like and can better picture in my mind what the resulting shot will look like. Of course, I am shooting what I like and hopefully you, as a visitor like it too, but you may not and that is okay too. It is these differing opinions and perspectives that makes this place so interesting.

I always find fences intriguing in photography because of the perspective they provide. In this shot, I am trying to use the fence to draw your eye into the picture and to the snowed in picnic table. I am happy with the result and think that it works. What do you think?

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