Dove from above

I'm rather fond of our resident collared doves but was surprised to see one on the patio when I went out to put a bag in the wheelie bin earlier. When it didn't fly off I realised there was something wrong and, sure enough, one of its eyes was injured. So I got an old pet carrier out of the garage and put the dove in there with a copy of Private Eye* and a bowl of water and put it in the garage where it was quiet. Then I called two wildlife hospitals, who couldn't help, and finally the vet nearest where we live (who I often see walking over the common and have a chat with, although he isn't the one we're registered with). I'd like to be able to say there was a happy ending but I'm afraid there was nothing that could be done for the eye and a dove with one eye won't survive long in the wild :(

In other news, Basil had his first trip to the new groomer today and she did her best but it wasn't easy because he struggled and got in a state, as I suspected he would.  At least the fur has been trimmed around his eyes now and his body hair is shorter, so he's more comfortable and, actually his beard isn't far off being okay, although his ears need a bit of work. He actually wore himself out and fell asleep on the grooming table so the groomer was able to do the facial trim while he was asleep. He seems fine now and I'm glad it's all over for another couple of months - I suspect he is too!

*to sit on

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