
A busy day today! In the  morning I cycled up to Dunscore to prepare the audiovisual  presentation for tomorrow's service. A couple came into the church and looked around the Heritage Centre while I was on the computer upstairs. The woman had played the organ on Sundays as a teenager (in the early 60s?), they had been married here and held her mother's funeral in the church too. So lots of memories relived by looking at the archive albums in the Centre and they plan to come back again soon.

In the afternoon I visited the Irongray Craft and Produce Show in Shawhead. Many memories of looking out the longest stick of rhubarb or the children making models out of toilet roll tubes..one of the village ladies is 96 and has won a cup almost every year for the past 20 years at least. I think perhaps I ought to make a bit more effort next year and put in some jam or runner beans. I draw the line at baking, though. The Best Exhibit in the show was a set of 3 HUGE carrots (see extra).

Finally I visited the Oxfam shop in Dumfries, always a favourite place of mine. I used to volunteer there many years ago, first of all sorting the books and then being the Fairtrade Food person. Nowadays the shop sells mostly books and music, and they have a great selection. The lovely manager, Rory, had asked if I would take a photo of all his volunteers as they would be at the shop for a meeting. The photo is to celebrate a successful summer. There were a lot of volunteers to fit into the photo ( I was perched on a ladder on the opposite side of the street) and Rory tells me that 20 more were unable to be there today. Great to see so many young people, too, giving their valuable time to such a worthwhile cause.

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